What Does a PC Case Come With? (Things You Should Know)

The primary function of different types of PC cases is to provide a secure, weatherproof, and dustproof environment for the motherboard, hard drive, optical drive, floppy disc drive, and other internal components. A power adapter is usually included in the package.

Though the housing of a laptop, netbook, or tablet is also a case, the term “computer case” is typically reserved for the housing that comes with a traditional desktop PC, even though it is technically correct to use either term. Okay, so what exactly does a computer case include? or What does a pc case come with?

What Does a Pc Case Come with?

PC Case Component

A variety of additional accessories are typically included in the carrying case. Don’t be put off by the fact that some of these look downright terrifying. Typically, the “loose” components consist of screws, case feet, brass standoffs (support), a power cord, and expansion inserts. Now, there are lots of portions to discover within the case.

These are private, hidden bays within the structure. The hard drive and any other internal mounting devices (fans, etc.) are typically housed in the concealed bays. CD-ROMs, Floppy discs, Zip discs, and other similar storage devices can be placed in the upper bays of the case (Mid Tower). These hard drives can also be purchased in a universal size that is pre-cut to fit the enclosure.

Internal CD-ROMs, for example, are typically 5.25 inches in diameter, while 3.50-inch-diameter floppy disc drives are the norm. As the expansion is likely in the future, make sure you have enough storage space for it.

The expansion slot inserts on the case’s back are another important detail to keep in mind. Ensure you have enough for any future expansion packs. These slots often unscrew or pop out easily. Depending on the case, the manufacturer may even include spare inserts in the off chance that you misplace one.

When taking a peek inside the case, it’s also a good idea to check out the power cables. Electrical cables supply juice to the drives, motherboards, and fans. Power cables should be sufficient to match the number of drive bays, with some extra left over in case there is ever required for future upgrades. It’s simple to spot these leads in the data.

Look at one closely, and you will notice that it is keyed for use in only one direction. The motherboard power connector, typically a 20-pin ATX or p8-p9 AT case connector, is the most common type of cable. The floppy drive’s leads will be connected via a 4-pin mini-drive connector. Typically, only small drives, such as a floppy disc drive, will use the mini drive connector.

Power Supply (PSU) 

Power Supply

After getting a feel for the case, we can move on to investigating the power supply and how it operates. Like I said before, the power supply is almost always sold together with the case. Don’t stress too much over snagging one. Don’t worry about it going out sometime in the foreseeable future.

It’s common practice to upgrade or replace the source of electrical power. No matter how tempting it may be, you should not mess with the supply’s internals. Getting ZAPPED can happen quickly, leaving you without a limb that could be crucial to your advancement.

The power supply’s job is straightforward: it converts AC to DC and keeps the internal components and case cool. This is then gradually transferred to the motherboard.

In most cases, you’ll be dealing with a Minitower’s 150-200-watt power supply. Unless you’re building a server and need a case that can handle 250-300 watts, sticking with 200-250 is the way to go. The primary goal is to guarantee sufficient juice for upcoming enhancements.

Important Computer Case Facts

Form factors describe the physical dimensions of a component, such as a motherboard, computer case, or power supply. To function properly as a unit, all three must be compatible.

Edges on many computer cases, especially those made of metal, can cause serious injury. Use extreme caution when handling an open case to prevent serious cuts.

When a computer repair person says, “Just bring the computer in,” they usually mean just the case and the internal components, not the keyboard, mouse, monitor, or any other accessories.

Why Is a Computer Case Important?

There are a few different kinds of computer cases, each serving a different purpose. One is for safety, which is the most intuitive assumption to make. The delicate components inside a computer can be damaged by dust, animals, toys, liquids, etc. if the case isn’t there to protect them.

Do you really want to have to stare at the computer’s disc drive, hard drive, motherboard, cables, and power supply all the time? Most likely not. A computer case serves two purposes: protecting the device within and concealing the unsightly inner workings from prying eyes.

To help maintain a cool operating temperature inside the computer, a case is a smart investment. There is another advantage to using a case, and that is the improved cooling of your computer’s internal components. Hardware can get pretty hot, possibly to the point of malfunction, but the case has special vents to allow some of the fan air to escape and the rest can be used to cool down the hardware.

The volume of a computer can be reduced by placing the fans and other noise-making components inside the case.

The computer case design is also crucial. Putting everything in one convenient package makes it easier to transport and store. USB ports, the power button, and the disc drive are all conveniently placed for instant access.

Do PC Cases Come with Fans?

A case fan is a standard component in almost all computer cases. It is not uncommon for cases to have two fans, one on the front and one on the back, as they are often made by different manufacturers.

Some mid to high-end gaming cases even have up to six fan slots spread across the front, rear, top, and sides. The standard model comes with two fans, and more can be added if necessary.

Only the most inexpensive cases, costing between $20 and $30, do not include a fan. Spending a little more money upfront on a well-ventilated case is worth it to prolong the life of your more expensive components (CPU, GPU, etc.).

In case you ever need to upgrade your cooling mechanism, now would be a good time to find out how many fans your case can accommodate.

Do PC Cases Come with Screws?

Different PC cases may include different numbers of screws for attaching various parts, such as fans, side panels, and the front panel. On the other hand, you’ll need to use the screws that come with each individual component in your build.

It’s typical, for motherboards to include mounting screws for installation in a case. There’s no need to panic if you didn’t receive the proper screws with your motherboard, power supply, graphics processing unit, or other devices.

These screws are fairly commonplace, and you can get your hands on some with a quick online order. You could also borrow some from a friend who builds PCs for a living, as they are likely to have a large supply of these screws lying around.

Do PC Cases Come with A Power Supply?

Because the selection of a PSU is dependent on many factors apart from the case, it is sold separately and must be ordered separately.

A machine-learning PC would benefit from having both a powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) and a central processing unit (CPU) of the Core i9 series.

All of these parts fit in a mid-tower case, but you’ll need a robust power supply unit (PSU) that most users won’t have a need for.

In the past, companies like Antec and Cooler Master would include power supplies (PSUs) in the price of their cases, but this is no longer the norm.

Do PC Cases Come with A Motherboard?

A motherboard is a separate component and will not be included with your PC case. The motherboard is the nerve center of your computer, facilitating coordination and communication between all of the components.

The purpose of the case is to house the motherboard and other components, keeping them neat and safe from harm. Your motherboard selection is heavily influenced by the purpose of your computer.

Consequently, the motherboard and the case must share a similar form factor. What this means is that not every motherboard will work in every case. Any case that fits a motherboard the same size or larger will work, though.

Do PC Cases Come with Cables?

Only the cables required to power the fans and accessories of a PC case are included in the case itself. Each device should come with the cords and screws required to set it up.

For this reason, if your hard drive requires a SATA cable to connect to the motherboard, you should receive one in the package.

However, the case’s extra cables must be included if their use is necessitated by the case’s design and isn’t required for a standard build.

If, for instance, the layout of the case prevents you from mounting the graphics card directly to the board, you may need an additional cable to connect the card to the motherboard. The manufacturer of the case is responsible for including the supplementary cable in this instance.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta

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