How To Choose a PC Case – Things to Consider Before Buying

If passionate about your PC case? Then buying a high-quality computer case should be the priority for you. Selecting an appropriate Pc case favors you longer.

The computer case comes in various designs, performance, and prices. Thus, it makes it more challenging to pick the ideal one for your pc. Never worry! Today We will inform you of the best pc cases that are suitable and efficient for your desktop. Let us make it simple for you.

Apart from the look and sharpness? The size factor is a crucial factor in selecting a pc case. The quality and size are directly dependent on your pc case dimension. Therefore, it affects the number of fans and cooling systems you can install. It also affects the fitting of the graphics card and hard drives.

There are various types of pc cases available in the market.

They offer different build quality, cooling capacity, expansion slots, and several other features like customizable lighting. Everyone is aware of the Full tower, Mid-tower, Mini-tower, and Mini- ITX cases. Today in this computer guide article! We would discuss and cover all these topics.

So here we go to make it easier for you to pick the ideal one.

Table of Contents

Computer Case Size Comparison

1. Full Tower: E-ATX Case Size

E-ATX Case Size

It is the most efficient size pc case available in the market. It holds the biggest motherboard; (Extended ATX) and the most miniature (Mini-ITX).

It is ideal for high-end gamers and performance enthusiasts. You can also customize and expand it, as it is bigger and stronger. The cooling process is effective as big and gives rise to more fans, extensive liquid cooling solutions, more radiators, and more space for airflow.

They suppress powerful and multiple GPUs installed in SLI or CrossfireX configuration for fast and lag-free gaming

2. MID Tower: ATX, Micro-ATX Case Size

Micro-ATX Case

It is common and suitable for most of the pc systems. It holds ATX and Micro-ATX motherboards. It is smaller in size than a Full tower and offers multiple functionality and space-saving.

It gives you the space for RGB lightning and enhances your pc to look aesthetic and eye-pleasing. They allow (02) graphics card support, which gets used for SLI or CrossfireX configuration.

Nowadays, high configuration graphics card occupies more space and need more than one slot. It allows several card installations and enables future expansion. The Mid-tower offers seven drive bags of storage capacity.

It is smaller than a full tower, which leads to less space after installing components. It results in heating the case and causing damage. The extra fan function is not available, so be aware of selecting an effective cooling system with extra air-inflow to keep the heat in check.

3. Mini Tower: Mini – ITX Case Size

Mini - ITX Case

They are smaller in size with portable nature, space-saving ability, and aesthetic view. It is only compatible with fitting smaller components inside and comes in an affordable range. It is budget-friendly with high-quality performance.

The small case can only install one graphics card. Due! to its lesser space ability and few expansion slots. It has a storage capacity of up to 4 drive bays. People with multiple GPU requirements and higher storage needs choose accordingly.

It is less efficient and offers fewer slot needs. It limits you in air-inflow, cooling process, and high-quality graphics card usage. Hence, they are ideal for low-profile gaming and everyday use.

4. Smaller Form Factor: Mini-ITX Case Size

It is the small case available in the market it is capable of fitting a mini-ITX motherboard. The pc case is ideally portable and saves your space. It is suitable for gaming and theatre options. It looks aesthetic and comes with attractive and variant designs.

It is small, but if you are sharp with your mind? Then you can fit it with some high-end equipment, to make it more efficient. They lack such high-end functions, and it does not require a cooling effect. Hence, they are ideal for everyday use, gaming, and movie watching source of entertainment.

Look For This Features When Buying PC Case

The Indian market has a presence of several different PC cases. Each of them has a various price valve and offers multiple features as the price range increases. Hence, the larger the PC case, the more the functions and performance.

Before coming to the PC case? Let us have a look into the Key function when choosing an ideal PC to support multiple functions and lag-free performance. So, When in search of a PC case? Know your needs and demands.

Expansion Needs

You cannot play high-end games on a pc that lacks a graphics card. The Graphics card has demand, two expansion slots, and big cooling fans to cool down the system. These demands are only possible in modern pc cases. So, keep these things in mind when reaching for a Pc case.

Tool-less Designation

Today Modem generation PC cases come with less tool design. It allows the removal of the pc components with ease and comfort. You can carry on the process without the need for any tool or equipment. Toolless designs are components of HDD drive bays, Fans, PSU shrouds, door panels, etc.

The removable parts depend on the model and manufacturing units. These high-quality features are only available in high-performance pc cases.

Cable Management

The cable management in the majority of the pc cases left idle, loose, or tied inside. But nowadays, cables get a sharp and edged look. Modern pc cases have shrouds and holes to place the cables management aesthetically and correctly. Hence, small or low-end pc cases never offer such features, so consider this suggestion when choosing your pc case.

Cooling Ability

The cooling ability depends on the computer case size. The cooling function of the pc case; allows the system to cool down and run lag-free and deliver high-quality performance. Good cooling conditions increase the life span of the system.

If you consider yourself a gamer? And need High performance for smooth gaming? Then you may go for pc cases that allow more than one cooler. This cooling effect results in keeping the pc cool and long-lasting.


If you one of those users who like to customize? Then go for pc cases that offer modularity! It allows users to customize their pc with various features. It gives you the possibility to install customized cooling and cable management to make their cases look aesthetic and attractive. The creative minds and custom pc builders look out for options when you buy a pc case.

Build Quality

The material that builds the pc case is crucial for the long-lasting of the system. So, when you go for a pc case? Look for the material that gets used in the manufacturing of the pc case! Normally! Poor cases get made with plastic, low-quality metal builds. It feels rough to touch and often comes with sharp edges.

The low-quality pc builds, lasts lower, and damages your system. So, go for pc cases brands that have a sense of trust in the market. Look for material and build quality to get the maximum benefits from the pc case.


A unique pc case stands out from the crowd and appears aesthetic and attractive. It may not affect your pc performance, but people may Affect your choice and how you keep your things.

If you are customizing your pc case? Then build some aesthetic and attractive. The beauty of the PC cases subconsciously gives you aesthetic and pleasant vibes.

Things To Put To Make You PC Case Aesthetic?

  • Elegant Design
  • Tempered Glass Panels
  • PSU Shrouds
  • Cable Management
  • Tempered Glass Panels


The price value is the most crucial when buying a pc case. People have a fixed budget when going for a pc case. Hence, you need to be careful and observe the pc case available in the market. Be precise with your requirements and go for companies that provide high-quality designs at bargain rates.

Drive Bays

The old version of hard drive 3.5 is not ideal for your primary storage.

Hence, still, be ideal! For your data storage, as they come at a cheap rate. You can add a few terabytes of storage according to necessities.

Nearly, majority of the pc case comes with drive bays to house them. It depends on the number of the drive you are inserting into your pc case. It can create the need for extra bays. Also, always go for a pc case? that supports sporting mount points for 2.5-inch SSDs.

More Tips On Buying A Computer Case?

Motherboard Compatibility

A motherboard control every action and process running on your pc. It is also known as the heart of your system. When buying a pc case? Check the support of your motherboard with the pc case. If you got this wrong? Then you would mess up things on your pc. Firstly, look for your specifications, then go for the Compatibility before finalizing the pc case.

Full Tower VS Mid Tower Pc Case

We have discussed it earlier! Hence, let us make it easier to understand. Everybody is confused with the decision to make on these two pc cases.

The most common type of pc case is the Mid-tower or ATX. It reciprocates an ideal balance between size and performance features. It is famous among gaming enthusiasts and compatible with all goals PC builds. The Full towers offer several features like space-saving, multiple cooling systems, ample support, and next-level storage.

They have several extension spots and offer multiple cooling fans for smoother and high-quality performance. This pc case is high-rated among gamers and high-performance seekers.

Could We Fix the Micro-ATX motherboard in an ATX case?

The ATX pc case supports Micro-ATX and Mini-ATX motherboard. Micro-ATX are affordable and smaller in size, which results in basic features only. They are suitable for everyday use and gaming needs.

Hence, the Micro ATX fits the ATX case with ease and comfort. Although, it is not in need and does not offer any high-end pc performance. The most ideal for Micro-ATX is the Mini-Tower unless you need extensive cooling effect or massive air inflow. The Micro-ATX requires more space to control the dual cooling for better and smoother performance.

Super Tower VS Full Tower Case

The Full tower comes in a size of 22 or higher. The model and the brand constitute the 8×24 width and depth of the case.

The super Tower case dimensions extend to 24* × 12* × 24*. They act efficiently and effectively in gaming and high-performance needs. Hence, they are also known as Extreme Gaming Case. They fulfill all the necessities from Aesthetic look to high-quality performance.

Price Consideration For PC Case?

Once you have come along from deciding your pc case size? Then the second process is discussing the budget.

If you are paying 50$ for a pc case? Then you would end up getting a small pc case with extra features and simple nature. Go for pc case that offers front-facing and rear-facing cooling fans. Dual cooling fans fit in a high-quality case and provide the maximum air-inflow ability. Hence, you can get these features in a high range price value.

The pc case advanced features open up in a price range of $50 to $150. In this price range, you can get aesthetic designs and high-performance abilities.

Some cases get to build with more fans and higher performance. You can find yourself with water-cooling features worked into some pc cases in this price range.

If spending around $100? Then you are more likely to get features like cable management details, RGB lightning, tempered glass side panels, and aesthetic looks. The price range is $100 is the ideal value to get a high-quality performance-based pc case.

If you can spend $150 or so, you can get a pc case that contributes to performance and acoustics. You can also get connectivity options and several handy features. The pc case sizes are huge, and this is where Full tower cases come to play. The build materials are aluminum and tempered glass to ensure long-lasting in this mid-range value.

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How Do I Know What Computer Case To Buy?

    It depends upon your needs. You can choose from the four options available: Full tower, Mini-tower, Mid-tower, Mini-ITX. The most common and ideal for people is Mid-tower, which can hold the ATX, Micro-ATX, and Mini-ITX motherboards. It is small in size and provides several features making it convenient for the budget and high-end rings.

  2. How do you know that your computer case is big enough?

    If the pc case fits the door? Then it is not too big. The large! Pc cases give more space and make upgrading possible. The more space ability keeps the cooling on the process and makes the system performance smooth. They look more attractive because of the efficient cable management, spaced-out components, RBC lightning, and more fan options.

  3. What are the different types of computer Sizes?

    You get four options to choose from Full tower, Mid Tower, Small Tower, and mini-ITX.
    The full tower can hold E-ATX, Micro-ATX, and Mini-ITX motherboards.
    Normally everyone prefers Mid-tower cases. It can hold ATX, Micro-ATX, and Mini-ITX boards.
    Generally, the small tower holds a micro-ATX, and the Mini-its case only fits the Mini-ITX motherboard.

  4. What is the largest PC case size?

    The pc case, which is known as the Full tower! It is the largest! Pc case size. It has the highest space ability and fits all forms of the motherboard. It has suitable assets for high performance and efficient processing.
    It gives you the possibility to insert multiple GPUs, hard drives, and various components. The large case contains giant cooling fans for lag-free and smooth performance.

  5. Does the PC case Matter?

    The computer case is the heart of the system. All the processing and activities take place there. Starting from the mouse control to the display function, it controls everything.

  6. What is the cheapest Pc case?

    Mini-ITX : Thermaltake Core V1.
    Tempered glass: Raidmax ZETA
    Airflow pick: Fraction design
    Value pick: Cougar MX330-G
    Quick Look: Cougar MX330-G

  7. Should I Upgrade My Pc Case?

    Should I Upgrade my pc? Upgrading your pc rewards you with the longevity of your system. Hence, inserting components like fans, Rams, or even SSD cards can help you with a faster and efficient pc.

  8. Is it cheaper to build a pc?

    The gaming pc is cheaper to build. Hence, the pc that comes in inbuild is way expensive than this.

  9. Does Mustex make a good PC case?

    Mustex cases are affordable, high-quality, and worth buying. The fans are efficient as they move a lot of air in one round session. Hence it keeps your pc cool and comfortable.

  10. Do PC cases come with front USB ports?

    The majority of pc case comes with front USB ports, which results to wire with the headers. One header gets connected with two USB ports. Hence, headers are present in the motherboard. You only need to wire up the pc case.

  11. When should I replace my CPU?

    If your pc is two years old? Then you need to your pc case to its full potential.

  12. Is it okay to keep you leave your computer on 24/7?

    Is your pc case high-quality with the dual cooling feature? Then you can let it stay on. In case? low quality and small pc cases have only one cooler! Hence, they would end up heating the system and causing it to lag.

  13. Why is my case fan not spinning?

    If your pc case fan stops running? Then the cause is in the fan or the motherboard. Try to clean the fan, and remove all the dust and particles. Sometimes it gets stuck with the dirt causing it to slow down and stop running.

  14. Why do PC cases only have 2 USB ports?

    The motherboard has various internal headers to deliver several USB ports. The motherboard comes with its version of USB ports. It gets situated at the back of the case. In case you need more ports? You can also get PCI cards that deliver more ports.

  15. How many USB ports should a PC case have?

    The pc has 6 USB ports, and you can extend it to many with your needs.

  16. Can I Replace my CPU?

    The process is simple and easy. The documents get located in the processor. So, no issue in the deleting and disappearing of your files. Hence, replace it and buy it without the worry of losing your files and documents.

  17. Should case fans always be running?

    It is dependent on the plug you inserted. If have the main power connectors from your supply into it? It would run consistently.

  18. What are the types of ports available in a computer?

    The types of ports that are available are :
    USB Type-A ( The most common port found in windows and desktop)
    USB Type -B ( It is present in the device like printers, docking stations, and hubs.
    USB Type – C
    USB 3
    5 mm Audio Jack
    microSD Card Reader

  19. How long can a PC last?

    The CPU is capable of lasting for a period of 6 to 7 years. Hence, there are chances that other present components die first before the end of the entire system.

  20. What is the Fastest Port Available?

    Thunderbolt gets named as the fastest port available. It has accuracy and is the most efficient port available in the market.

  21. Is UPS necessary for PC?

    The full name of UPS is (Uninterruptible power supply). The sudden cut of the power supply can lead to system damage. Hence, making it slow and less efficient.

  22. Can UPS damage the computer?

    A low-quality UPS is the enemy of your computer. Try to use certified PSUs to lower the damage risk. Hence, go for the branded and the most convincing products.

  23. What is good Air-inflow for PC?

    Air should travel with clearance and speed. What does a better inflow mean? It means to cool down the system to enhance the processing. If your pace case has the presence of vents? Then they should be situated as exhaust fans letting the hot air rise and cold air spread.

  24. Which case has the best Air-inflow?

    In the H-Series model, the H710 provides the best Air-inflow. The bigger the case size, the better is the inflow.
    The H710 is the largest of all the pc cases. Hence it keeps the system cool and long-lasting.

  25. How can I Cool my Pc case?

    The most efficient way to clean your system is by cleaning the internal fans. There are several fans in the pc case. One is present at the top of the CPU, at the frontal and backward part, and in the power supply.
    To repair it? Open the case and clean it with a cloth.

  26. How can I Tell that my pc is overheating?

    These are some of the Symptoms :
    The system boots and gets off after a short interval of time.
    The CPU lacks in speed and efficiency
    The CPU functions throttling
    The system lags and slows down
    The noise is higher than usual

  27. What happens if pc gets too hot?

    The inside heating affects the pc in many ways. Heat is known as the enemy of the pc.
    The pc cases get designed in such a way that they don’t get heated up. Ventilation and heat dispersion are present to stop the heating. Hence, if heat builds up, it may result in ;
    The system shuts down
    It becomes unstable
    The Parts gets damaged which cannot get recovered

  28. Is it normal for the PC case to get hot?

    It is very normal. You can also prefer to find the CPU and the GPU Temperature to ensure the safety of your system. Try to move the fans in the right direction for better Air-inflow.

  29. What is the best case for PC?

    These pc cases are high-rated by the users.
    Fractal Design Meshify 2 Compact. Best All-Round Compact ATX Case. …
    Lian Li Lancool II Mesh. Best Mid-Range ATX Case. …
    Fractal Design Meshify 2
    Phanteks Eclipse P360A
    Hyte Revolt 3
    Phanteks Evolv Shift 2
    Corsair Obsidian Series 4000X RGB. …
    Fractal Design Define 7

  30. Which pc case has the best Air-inflow?

    PHANTEKS Eclipse P500A – Best Overall Airflow Case.
    Lian Li Lancool II Mesh (Performance) – Best ATX Airflow Case.
    Fractal Design Focus G – Best Budget Airflow Case.
    Silverstone Redline RL06 – Best Mid-Range Airflow Case.
    Cooler Master MasterCase H500M – Best High-End Airflow Case.

  31. Are Tempered Glass PC cases good?

    They have an exceptional balance between looks and price value. It gives you aesthetics! Look while protecting your system.
    Hence, the tempered glass look is more efficient than the plastic cases.


So, this is it from our side. I hope to provide you with all your questions needs. Any questions or queries? You can mention them down in the comment below. Thank you for surfing with us.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta

I am glad you came over here. So, you want to know a little bit about me. I am a passionate digital marketer, blogger, and engineer. I have knowledge & experience in search engine optimization, digital analytics, google algorithms, and many other things.

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