Is Google Calendar Down? Here’s How to Check and What to Do

If you experience scheduling problems on your Google Calendar, then the first question that comes to your mind is – Is Google Calendar down? There is a high possibility that if you are unable to access Google Calendar, then just like any other services from Google, it can also face outages.

Google Calendar has become an essential part of Google Workspace, which helps enhance productivity by integrating with Google Meet. Appointments, meetings, and event notifications can be easily scheduled on Google Calendar. If the Google Calendar becomes inaccessible, then additional problems are noticed in different industries, so resolution is required at the earliest. 

Let’s get to the details and understand why Google Calendar is facing downtime and what you should do to fix it.

Is Google Calendar down?

There are many third-party applications that help you to detect whether any service or website is facing downtime. More than 1,500 users have already reported facing an outage in Google Calendar, and it had taken a hit on September 21st, around 2:30 p.m. BST. The number of users reporting this outage has been increasing ever since, and soon, Google needs to find a way out. 

A confirmed report was provided by Mountain View-based tech giant that users are failing to access the Google Calendar. Even if some users can access the Google Calendar, error messages appear with unexpected behavior and high latency. Some users also reported that the saved events on the Google Calendar are automatically getting deleted and similar other problems.

Even after the browser refresh, the issue didn’t get resolved. For now, Google has resolved the error, but some users are still reporting to face the problem persistently. Based on the latest update, Google is still investigating and will soon find a permanent solution.

How to check whether Google Calendar is down?

There are three specific ways through which you can check whether the Google Calendar is down.

First, there are many third-party applications or websites available where you can check if the Google service is facing an outage. These websites track all the user reports and services going on and then produce a result. 

Second, you can also check on the host of Google services. So, get to the Google Workspace status dashboard and go through the services report. Check whether they are inactive or active operations under the Status. If there is an outage, you will find a report “Service disruption for Google Calendar”. You may also find notifications, such as “Investigating reports of an issue with Google Calendar” or “Providing more information shortly”.

Third, you can also check Twitter and notice the complaints users are reporting about Google Calendar to understand if the service is down. Use the keyword “#GoogleCalaendarDown” or “#Googledown”, to search for intent-specific results.

What to do if Google Calendar is down?

If Google Calendar is down, then there are two possibilities: either the error is on the server’s part or yours, and based on that, you need to try out the solutions.

If the Google server is down:

Fix 1: Try to use the Google Calendar app

Often, the web search for Google Calendar can remain down, but it can still work on your app. So, download the Google Calendar app and try to continue the work. Otherwise, you can also shut down and refresh the web browser and try to access the Calendar again.

Fix 2: Report about the problem

You must report the Google Calendar downtime on social media sites using a #GoogleCalanderDown or contact Google customer service. So, sit back and relax until the maintenance work is over and the Google Calendar is up and running.

If the error is on your part:

Fix 1: Restart the computer or phone

To eliminate random network bugs or corrupted temporary files, you can try to restart the device, either computer or phone, where you are trying to access Google Calendar. If you are unable to access the browser on your PC, then use the Google Calendar app on your smartphone.

Fix 2: Reboot the router

Rebooting the router can help to mitigate networking issues, which might be the core reason behind the inaccessible Google Calendar. So, unplug the cables from the router, keep the device idle for 30 minutes, and then plug in the cables.

Fix 3: Clear cache and cookies 

You can also try to clear the cache and cookies associated with Google Calendar and then log in with the correct credentials to access the application.

Can you use Google Calendar offline?

Yes, you can use Google Calendar offline, and when the service goes online, the account automatically syncs. However, when you are offline, if you make any changes, it won’t sync with your computer or any other devices where Google Calendar is linked. Moreover, you cannot even send emails about events through the Google Calendar when it is offline.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta

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